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Orchid City Brazil
The valley


Orchid City THE valley

The Valley is located in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas in Brazil. It consists of one core center, which represents the denser, more urban downtown area, and four other satellites, each located on a picturesque and unique landscape within the city. 

The Valley focuses on specific challenges of social inclusivity, innovative agriculture, water, and natural regeneration.

Specific features

Inland hills climate

Social Inclusivity and safety

Innovative Agriculture & Water Management

Regenerating Nature

Project info

Inhabitants: 5,000

Total area: 2,165 ha

Built / Open: 21 ha / 2,144 ha

Development IRR: 20%


The downtown area is well-integrated with the main infrastructure network, connecting Orchid City with the surrounding region. It represents a medium density urban landscape situated next to a lake, with public spaces, diverse programs, and various building typologies. This area represents the heart of Orchid city.

Apartment buildings with a diverse and inclusive set of apartment typologies

Offices & co-working spaces

Schools and healthcare center

Restaurants, shops and entertainment

Urban farming and green terraces

Inclusive public spaces for events

“What is success? It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace.” 

– Paulo Coelho


The upper north-east of Orchid City, The Valley comprises a landscape of constructed productive terraces, surrounded by wetlands and orchards. The housing typologies, most (semi)detached, are spread across the landscape, which results in a patched work landscape composition with stunning views.

Terraced agriculture

Orchards and agroforestry

Constructed wetlands and small lakes

Neighbourhoods surrounded by nature

Villas and detached houses with gardens

Sport and leisure trails through the hills

Hillside restaurant & Spa

Local community spaces

river forest neighbourhood

Situated on the border of a natural area in the west of Orchid City, this satelite features a landscape in symbiosis between culture and nature, which shapes the neighborhood. The food forest and river park provide a habitat for biodiversity, and a productive and leisure landscape altogether.

Villas, semi-detached and detached houses with gardens

Riverside nature conservation

Nature inclusive farming

Community outdoor spaces

Orchards and nurseries

Local food fair space


Sustainable, affordable homes
Self-sufficient in water and renewable energy​
A biodiverse environment​
Generation-proof living​
Self-sufficient in essential services
Local 100% pesticide-free agriculture
Accessible education and art and culture programs
Sustainable resources management
Electric autonomous local transport