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Orchid City Netherlands
the woods


Orchid City THE woods

Orchid City the Woods is situated in a former 'polder' area. The masterplan consists of a rewilding strategy combined with regenerative production, agricultural innovation and greenhouses. Its core has an urban vibe, surrounded with satellites in diverse landscapes such as wetlands, forests, and fields. 

The landscape mirrors a core objective of this plan, developing knowledge in agricultural production, climate adaptation, generational inclusion, and senior care.

Specific features

Research & Higher learning

Regenerative nature

Climate adaptive solutions

Trans-generational living


Project info

Inhabitants: 5,000

Total area: 1,845 ha

Built / Open: 33 ha / 1,812 ha

Development IRR: 20%


Located next to the forest, on the fields and in the center of Orchid City, the Downtown has an urban vibe, with a high density of different housing typologies for students, families and elderly. Different functions like sports and meeting spaces are integrated within the public space. The roofs of the buildings are used for food or energy production, and the lake is used for rain water retention and leisure.

Apartment buildings with diverse typologies, Row housing

R&D Laboratory

Offices & co-working spaces

Schools & healthcare center

Restaurants, shops and entertainment

Green terraces

Community spaces

“We need to be able to answer not yesterday’s challenges, but tomorrow’s challenges.”

– Frans Timmermans


Situated in the west of Orchid City, this area represents a neighborhood built around and on the water. A living lab for the future of the Netherlands, experimenting with water management, wet cultivation and a habitat for birds.

Semi-detached and detached houses with gardens

Wet cultivation and aquatic vegetation

Forest of wild vegetation

Bird watching areas & fish ponds

Community living spaces

Family greenhouses and nurseries

Leisure areas, sailing and fishing facilities

farm village

The area is located in the central-south part of Orchid City and it represents a Farm Village in the middle of nature, with various types of inclusive agriculture, such as a food forest, open fields and greenhouses. The Farm Village is a habitat for biodiversity and a food producing landscape all in one. The houses are spread over the landscape for the ultimate farming experience that facilitates a farming community.

Villas and semi-detached houses with gardens, and row housing

Various production types: food forest, open field agriculture and greenhouses

Farmers market

“Pick your own veggies” farm

Slow-food restaurant


Sustainable, affordable homes
Self-sufficient in water and renewable energy​
A biodiverse environment​
Generation-proof living​
Self-sufficient in essential services
Local 100% pesticide-free agriculture
Accessible education and art and culture programs
Sustainable resources management
Electric autonomous local transport